Shifting Seasons

Have you ever heard the saying "April showers bring May flowers"? It's actually one of my favorite sayings. Of course, this saying came to remembrance in this past month of April. I am not sure how this saying came into existence but it is a rather clever one, and confirms one thing. Nature confirms what … Continue reading Shifting Seasons

Comparison is Not the Thief of Joy

Comparison is not the thief of joy. Comparison steals your purpose. Comparison kills your purpose. - AMC Sometimes I have moments where I compare myself. Sometimes it may stem from my thoughts, to people and/or societal pressures. This is honestly something that I have always had to deal with. However, I compare myself to others … Continue reading Comparison is Not the Thief of Joy

Generational differences in the workplace…

As an educated and professional millennial, I have researched (and experienced!) for myself the difference between personal/work relationships of those in the millennial generation and those prior to. This goes to say that my findings have led me to a personal understanding of why millennials have been named the “Most entrepreneurial and demanding generation”. Why … Continue reading Generational differences in the workplace…