To the High School Student:

Happy first day/month of school to all of y’all!!!

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I know most of you may be dreading your return to school, and some of you may be really excited! Both feelings are acceptable and understandable for this time of year. Many things are changing, you will learn new things, have new experiences, meet new people, etc etc. and some of that may be nerve wracking or even exciting to you.

So I will be sharing some wise words that I wish would have received while I was in High School.

  1. Be yourself

I know, I know, this may sound a bit cliche but hear me out. Be yourself; stick to your truth and who you are at your core. Do not let anyone define you. Do not let anything define you.

High School is a tough time because you are hanging out with so many people that are different than you, you have so many different teachers that all have different personalities/characteristics. Everyone will always tell you something different or why you should be a certain way, but like I said before

Do not let anyone define you. Do not let anything define you. Be yourself.

Being yourself is so important because these are your years of growth and you will evolve. You will change. You are not the person you were last year, and next year you will not be the person that you are this year. Let the lessons that you learn during this time allow you to be a greater version of you, not a greater version of someone else.

2. Find a Mentor/Role Model

Let’s face it, everyone needs guidance, we do not know it all. Find someone who you can confide in, someone who will let you be true to yourself, someone who will allow you to grow into a greater version of yourself.

This would help you so much in those times where you are unsure what to do. Are you familiar with the saying “Two heads are better than one?”, it would be applicable in one of those situations. You need someone who can lift you up, and encourage you in those times of need, because HS is not all rainbows and butterflies.

3. Study; Time Management Skills

The days in HS always feel like such a drag, and you will surely get a lot of homework; sometimes everyday or every other day. However you still need to find time to study!! Studying may not be the thing you want to do or think about after spending 8 hours in school a day, but it is important to retain knowledge so that you can earn good grades.

You do not need to be someone who necessarily gets the highest grade in the class all the time but you deserve to be proud of your work. If studying after school is not a realistic option for you, set some time in your week where you can fit in some studying; and you will see that it is all worth it when you get that great grade on your test/project and it makes you feel all accomplished.

You can do it!

4. Take Care of Yourself: Spiritually, Mentally, Physically

This point is oh so important! You are so important; take care of yourself in every possible way.

Spiritually: Align yourself with your beliefs and strengthen your faith. If you go to church, join a youth group. Find Christian friends who believe in what you believe in and support you in your walk. Keep your faith grounded, read your word because living in this secular world ain’t easy.

Mentally: Stressors are an everyday part of HS. Stress, anxiety, etc. can take over your mind and tell you all sorts of lies if you do not take care of yourself mentally. Find ways to unwind, destress, and remove all mental clutter from your mind. When you do this it will allow you to see clear as day.

Physically: Workout and eat healthy.

Yes, I know, these are two things that you wouldn’t want to include in your everyday life but they are very important. When you are in HS, your metabolism is super fast but 10 years from now (speaking from experience) your metabolism won’t be the same. Adopting good eating and physical health habits are easier than trying to fit them into your lifestyle 10 years later. It is hard to make changes later in life, so it is best to start now.

I am not saying to eat vegetables and go to the gym everyday, but you should include those things into your life sooner rather than later.

5. Remember that there is no pressure to be perfect

Last but not least, always remember that you are worthy of goodness and that there is no pressure to be perfect. I hope everything I mentioned above will help you, but remember that you do not need to apply all of these things overnight. Good things/changes take time.

You do not need to know it all.

You do not need to be pinterest perfect.

Take each day one at a time.

May this year be your greatest year yet! Declare it and believe it! ♥


Let us pray:

Father God, I come before you today and just lay out my school year before you. May I learn to depend on you each and everyday. I pray for your guidance and your Spirit to lead me through this year. I know that you have great things planned for me, and I want to be open to receive them. I pray that your will be done so that I can achieve what you want me to achieve Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


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